We are so pleased to announce that JVIDÊÓƵ was inducted today into the European Commission’s Digital Skills and Job Coalition Hall of Fame.
The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition is composed of different organizations who are concerned with the digital skills gaps in Europe and who accept a responsibility to be proactive and to address this challenge in their respective areas. The European Commission’s Digital Skills and Job Coalition Hall of Fame is a special space for those most noteworthy pledges from the past and present.
JVIDÊÓƵ received this honor after exceeding their pledge to ensure Europeans achieved digital skills certifications in basic digital competence, office productivity skills and fundamentals of computing and coding. Initially pledging to assist 240,000 employees across Europe, JVIDÊÓƵ was able to help nearly 312,000 employees gain valuable job skills and credentials, exceeding the original pledge by 30%.
“The value of gaining relevant digital skills cannot be overstated. These certifications facilitate participation in a digital society for those currently excluded, provide re-skilling and upskilling opportunities for those already in the workforce as well as the skills needed to plug the gaps and mismatches of IT professionals,” said Fiona Fanning, Director of European Affairs at JVIDÊÓƵ. “We are honored to be part of the solution and will continue to work to close the skills gap across Europe.”
You can learn more about the European Commission’s Digital Skills and Job Coalition . You can see the full details of JVIDÊÓƵ’s pledge .